Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Rain Rain Go Away (It Did!)

Well, you just never know. At 4pm we are surrounded by thunderstorms and at 6pm there is no storm in sight and a perfect breeze for our run. Go figure. Glad it turned out that way! Here are the results of tonight's run 9. That's run 9 in the books and about 5 more to go. We still have our watermelon run and pizza run ahead of us, stay tuned. Much thanks to Evelyn and Raley at the finish line, and also to the Boone family for the oranges and cookies post race. A big thank you to Keena and Tracy of RehabWorks, who take time out of their day to show up, help with stretching techniques, injury prevention, and provide energy bars. They add a lot to our runs and I'm thankful for them. Hope all of you have a good week and I'll see you the day AFTER the Fourth of July! Doug

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